With billions of active internet users worldwide, ensuring reliable connectivity for your business is extremely important. As the digital landscape continues to change and advance, you’ll want to make sure you keep up with the latest technologies. 

Putting your trust in a telecommunications industry leader can make a huge difference when it comes to your connectivity. The right telecom partner will be able to increase your business digital mobility, fiber connectivity, security and disaster recovery efforts. To learn more about changes in the telecom industry, read on.

Here’s what you need to know about changes in the telecom industry:

  1. VOIP vs PBX
  2. SD-WAN Migration
  3. Data Center Colocation 
  4. Mobility Solutions
  5. Stay Connected With 561 Communications


When it comes to understanding changes in the telecommunications industry, you’ll first want to take a look at the difference between VOIP or voice over internet protocol and PBX or public branch exchange systems. Two ways of achieving the same end goal, to make and receive phone calls— PBX systems have been around for years whereas VOIP is a more recent development that uses the internet to make calls.

As more and more businesses are shifting over to VOIP connection services, the main difference between PBX and VOIP is the way they connect users. In the past, a PBX system would utilize a small telephone network of standard telephone lines for incoming and outgoing calls. However now, with much more internet traffic, these traditional systems have become outdated and less reliable. 

A much less complicated system, VOIP transfers analog voice data over the internet, offering more configuration options than traditional PBX systems. VOIP systems are managed directly from a computer and are easy to program and reprogram. A VOIP system can be set to transfer calls to multiple numbers or one number based on specific conditions such as the time of day. With ease of use and increased reliability, it’s no wonder that more organizations are switching over to VOIP solutions.

SD-WAN Migration 

As organizations continue to juggle complex high-bandwidth applications, many are finding that SD-WAN or software-defined wide area networking has been able to provide the solution for various connectivity issues. Migrating to SD-WAN can allow better network management that can help organizations stay competitive in the digital world. When you migrate to a virtualized network that features a secure and sustainable way to provide connectivity, your business can benefit from reduced costs, improved efficiency and improved security measures. With reduced costs, SD-WAN allows organizations to conserve budget resources such as hardware investment to focus on other projects. 

Migrating to SD-WAN will allow employees to no longer be required to set up a new server for each separate application. And, your network team will be able to quickly implement security patches if a breach were to occur. Overall, this migration trend is a beneficial one for various organizations. 

Learn more about how 561 Communications can maintain your business connectivity!

Data Center Colocation 

Another big shift in the telecommunications industry relates to data center colocation. A shared facility, data center colocation allows companies to share the cost of power, cooling, communication and data center floor space with other tenants. This solution typically provides cheaper data options that allow full control over their equipment. 

Data center colocation addresses general limitations that come with an existing data center. Instead of putting time and money into building a new data center, organizations can augment their current data by utilizing the space in a colocation facility. Providing access to higher levels of bandwidth data centers in a colocation facility are much more reliable and tend to offer greater protection from power outages and downtime. 

Mobility Solutions

As our digital world becomes more and more mobile based, increasing the mobility of your organization is proving to be extremely important. With that in mind, if your organization’s digital infrastructure still functions on a 2G or 3G network, you may want to begin migrating to LTE or other network solutions. Today, mobile network operators are deploying LTE or long-term evolution networks while continuing to phase out 2G and 3G networks. 

While AT&T and Verizon seem to be the only two carriers that have completely phased out 3G networks, you’ll want to make sure your internet provider is up to date with the proper network migrations. With the 2G and 3G network sunsets underway, this means organizations who do utilize these networks will soon be unable to function properly if not at all. Rather than lose your data, cybersecurity or connectivity, work with a telecommunications professional to assess your needs and get set up on the right, reliable network. 

Stay Connected With 561 Communications

With over 100 years of combined experience in Enterprise B2B, Business Development and Solution Sales — 561 Communications specializes in Mobility, Fiber Connectivity, SD-WAN, Cloud Computing, Security and Disaster Recovery Solutions. We have the bandwidth to keep your business connected.

At 561 Communications, understanding the ins and outs of your business is our top priority. In order to keep your business connected, we offer a FREE analysis of your Telecom Network Infrastructure. 561 Communications will tailor solutions to fit your business needs.

Connect with 561 Communications today!