Investing in cloud computing now can set your business up for future success. Cloud based services give you access to more applications, improves data accessibility, helps your team work together more effectively, and helps manage content more efficiently.

Cloud services from a reliable cloud service provider (CSP) can put your mind at ease with highly secure cloud services. If you are hesitant about the cloud due to security concerns, you can rest assured that your data will be safe. To learn more about the main types of cloud environments you’ll need, or to simply better understand your cloud based services, read on.

Here’s what you need to know:

  • Cloud Based Cyber Security
  • Cloud Options
  • Importance of Cloud Security
  • Connect with 561 Communications

Cloud Based Cyber Security

The term “cloud security” refers to a collection of security measures designed to protect cloud-based infrastructure, applications, and data. By implementing cloud based services, your business can authenticate all users and devices, secure data and resources, and protect your private data. Cloud services also support regulatory data compliance. Employed in cloud environments and built to protect a company’s data from DDoS attacks, malware, hackers, and unauthorized user access or use — cloud based services aren’t going anywhere anytime soon.

Increase connectivity with 561 Communications and improve the overall communication and efficiency of your business.

Cloud Options

There are three main types of cloud environments you can choose from when it comes to cloud based security services. A number of options are available on the market, such as public clouds, private clouds, and hybrid clouds. It’s important to know the difference between each of these environments because they have different security concerns and benefits. Here are the three types of cloud environments to work with:

Public Cloud

The public cloud is hosted by third-party service providers. Using the cloud does not require any setup on the part of the company, since the provider handles everything. To make public clouds secure, access control, identity management, and authentication are required features.

Private Cloud

As private clouds are usually dedicated to a single user or group, they are more secure than public clouds as they rely on the firewall of that group or user. As these clouds are isolated, they are protected from outside attacks since only one organization has access to them.

However, they are still vulnerable to a variety of security threats, including social engineering and data breaches. As your company’s needs expand, it may also be difficult to scale these clouds. However, with a quality provider, you can rest assured that your security and growth needs will be met.


A hybrid cloud combines the scalability of a public cloud with the flexibility of a private cloud. Multiple environments, such as a private cloud and a public cloud, can be connected through these clouds for easier scalability. With a hybrid cloud, users can access all their environments through one integrated content management platform.

Importance of Cloud Security

Since most organizations already use cloud computing in some form or another, security for cloud computing is critical. As the adoption of cloud services grew just 23.1% in 2021, 2022 is expected to see those numbers increase even further. However, many businesses still remain concerned about moving data and applications to the cloud due.

From security to governance, and even compliance issues, these businesses worry that highly sensitive data, information and intellectual property may be exposed through accidental leaks or sophisticated cyber attacks. A crucial component to cloud based services focused on unique cloud security.

With a heavy importance on security, the right cloud provider will be focused on protecting data and business content, customer records, design documents, and even your financial records. It is vital to avoid leaks and data thefts in order to keep your customers’ trust and protect your assets. It is crucial for any company looking to move to the cloud to ensure the safety of its data and assets. A quality cloud based service provider can do just that for you.

Connect with 561 Communications

You’re more likely to withstand a breach if you have adequate documentation and a comprehensive backup plan. Assign your disaster recovery plan to your continuity, security, and contingency planning teams as a playbook.

At 561 Communications, understanding the ins and outs of your business is our top priority. In order to keep your business connected, we offer a FREE analysis of your Telecom Network Infrastructure. 561 Communications will tailor solutions to fit your business needs.

If you’re unsure of where to begin with your business’ disaster recovery plan, we have the right tools and resources for you. Our team can work with your business to build out the right plan for your data and effectively protect your business from digital disruption.

Connect with our team today!